Money-Saving Tips To Stretch Your Energy Budget

November 13th, 2023

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Everything is more expensive this year, from a quart of milk to a gallon of gasoline! Your home heating costs make up about 40% of your annual budget, so it is important to be able to get the most of every dollar. If you can save a few bucks on energy bills, paying for milk won’t leave a sour taste!

Here are our favorite, low-cost, do-it-yourself tips to lower your heating bills:

  1. Correct air leaks around windows, doors and electrical outlets and repair weather stripping and caulking. Don’t forget the gap between your thresholds and doors! Use a bottom seal to stop drafts.
  2. Wrap your pipes to guard against heat loss and freezing.
  3. Remove air conditioning units from windows.
  4. Close your kitchen vent, fireplace damper and closet doors when not in use.
  5. Wash clothes in the coolest water possible. 80 percent of the cost to run your washer is used for heating the water. Then, since your dryer retains heat, dry loads back-to-back.

These tips all help seal up your home to keep the air you are paying to heat stay inside! Visit our website for more money-saving conservation tips and news about how we can help keep your Cape Cod home and heating equipment working at their best. Have a question? Just call South Shore Heating & Cooling at (518) 398-6901.