Moving This Fall? You Need A Heating System Inspection With South Shore Heating & Cooling!

October 24th, 2024

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Fall is a busy moving season for homeowners across Massachusetts. Whether you just moved or have a move coming up, don’t head into the heating season without having the heating system in your new home examined by the specialists at South Shore Heating & Cooling! This new home could have a heating system you are unfamiliar with. Our skilled team of technicians can inspect the equipment, perform necessary repairs or maintenance, and provide information and recommendations on maintaining efficiency and longevity. Allow South Shore Heating & Cooling to ease some of that new homeowner pressure by scheduling an inspection of your system!


If the previous homeowner was a South Shore Heating & Cooling customer, we can discuss the equipment history and service record, including installation dates, service repairs, and other important history.


Contact us before you sell a home, too!

Nobody wants to buy a home with a broken or severely outdated boiler or furnace. Contacting South Shore Heating & Cooling before a sale is the smart move and could even increase the price for a home! Upgrading a heating system before the sale will make the home more desirable, thanks to lower fuel usage, environmental benefits, and the reduced chances of a breakdown.


At South Shore Heating & Cooling, We Sell and Install:

  • Furnaces
  • Boilers
  • Water Heaters
  • Heat Pumps
  • And More!


Whether you are buying or selling a home this fall, make sure that South Shore Heating & Cooling is a part of your home buying journey! Contact us today.