You might be missing out on a large energy savings opportunity without even knowing it. Over 65 percent of U.S. homes are currently under-insulated and leaking excessive amounts of air. Yours may be one of those homes, which means you could be wasting energy by leaking warm air in the winter and cold air in the summer. With new comfort equipment from South Shore Heating & Cooling, you can save up to 30 percent or more in energy bills. Do not let hard-earned money slip through the cracks on account of poor insulation. If you are serious about driving down your energy consumption and costs, the first step is a home energy audit. South Shore Heating & Cooling is accredited by the Building Performance Institute (BPI), the leading developer of technical standards for home performance and weatherization retrofit work. A South Shore Heating & Cooling consists of an extensive series of tests over the course of 1-3 hours. This thorough assessment provides you with valuable information regarding the existing condition of your home, and locates areas where energy efficiency,
- your home's insulation and air sealing
- the efficiency of the heating and cooling equipment
- the efficiency of the lighting
- health and safety issues
Contact us today to get started on your energy-saving campaign with a certified home energy audit.